
Farmmaps: A networking tool for farmer-to-farmer learning.

Often, one of the best ways to promote adoption of new farming practices like silvopasture is to connect interested farmers with those who have already implemented them and can explain the benefits and challenges. Farmers learn by sharing experiences and comparing experiences.

In order to promote the adoption of soil health practices, the Southwest and Southeast Regional Sustainable Development Partnerships, the Sustainable Farming Association, the Center for Integrated Natural Resources and Agricultural Management and the Minnesota Office of Soil Health came together to prepare approximately 40 case studies of successful adoption of soil health practices and present them in a new farmer to farmer networking database and tool called Farmmaps.

As part of the Silvopasture Learning Network project, the Farmmaps team is preparing new case studies on silvopasture adoption in Minnesota, and plan to release them in tandem with a new version of the app in March. The newest set of farm case studies highlights 5 farmers implementing silvopasture onto their operations. Tyler Carlson, Vickie Kettlewell, Tom Barthel, Tony Wells, and Tom Hunter all farm in unique ways, and between them raise nearly every species of livestock from chickens and pigs to cattle and horses. Be sure to check out the case studies to learn how they have established silvopasture and use it to improve their grazing operations and livestock production systems.

The tool, available as both a website and smartphone app, will offer farmers a chance to connect with other farmers to learn and share experiences. It will also serve as a platform for natural resource professionals to connect with farmers who are willing to host field days or serve as presenters in other events.

Anyone interested in learning more about the tool can contact Dean Current at